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4 - Observe state changes

In previous steps we learnt how to create plugins and how to expose their state. But how other plugins can observe state changes in order to react on it? Let's look at it on example of plugin SmartHomeApi.Plugins.MqttAdapter - which provides possibility to communicate with SmartHomeApi via MQTT protocol. It's more complicated plugin in comparing with SmartHomeApi.Plugins.ProcessInfo which we created before and also it contains few interesting points which could be useful for your future development so we will consider them at all.

Let's look at the most important parts of MqttAdapter class (full code you can find in repository mentioned above)"


protected override async Task InitializeItem()
_client = new MqttFactory().CreateMqttClient();

await Connect();
catch (Exception e)

await base.InitializeItem();

Logger.Info("MQTT adapter initialized.");

private async Task OnConnected(MqttClientConnectedEventArgs arg)
var config = (MqttAdapterConfig)Config;

Logger.Info($"MQTT adapter connected to {config.Address}:{config.Port}.");

if (!_subscribedOnNotifications)
_subscribedOnNotifications = true;

await PublishInitialState();


private async Task OnMessageReceived(MqttApplicationMessageReceivedEventArgs arg)
CultureInfo culture = GetCultureInfo(((MqttAdapterConfig)Config).Culture);

if (culture == null)

object objValue;

objValue = payload.GetAsObject(valueType, culture);
catch (Exception)
Logger.Error($"Can't cast [{payload}] of type [{type}] to Object.");


await Manager.SetValue(itemId, parameter, objValue);


private string GetValueString(object value)
if (value == null)
return null;

CultureInfo culture = GetCultureInfo(((MqttAdapterConfig)Config).Culture);

if (culture == null)
return null;

if (value is bool)
return value.ToString()?.ToLower();

if (TypeHelper.IsSimpleType(value.GetType()))
return Convert.ToString(value, culture);

var serialized = _serializer.Serialize(value);

return serialized;
catch (Exception e)

return null;

protected override async Task ProcessNotification(StateChangedEvent args)
if (args.EventType == StateChangedEventType.ValueSet ||
args.EventType == StateChangedEventType.ValueRemoved)

await _publishInitialStateTcs.Task;

var valueStr = GetValueString(args.NewValue);

if (args.NewValue != null && valueStr == null)

await PublishMessage(args.ItemId, args.Parameter, valueStr);

Subscribe on state change events

First let's look at method InitializeItem() (which we are already familiar with) and method OnConnected(MqttClientConnectedEventArgs arg). As it was recommended earlier InitializeItem() contains code of creating resources which are needed for plugin. It's ok. But pay attention please to next line in OnConnected(MqttClientConnectedEventArgs arg) method:


Do you remember CreateItemState() from previous steps? That method is needed if you want your plugin to expose some state. The same thing with SubscribeOnNotifications(). Plugin doesn't have to subscribe on state change events (and if plugin does not need to observe states of other plugins then you should not call this method) but if it's needed then you should call it. What is the next interesting thing in this case - generally it should be called from InitializeItem() item BUT it can be called from some other methods if it's needed. As you see in SmartHomeApi.Plugins.MqttAdapter it's called from OnConnected(MqttClientConnectedEventArgs arg) method, i.e. only after connection to MQTT server (broker) is established. In this particular case it means SmartHomeApi.Plugins.MqttAdapter will not get state change events from SmartHomeApi till that moment.

Process state change events

After SubscribeOnNotifications() is called plugin starts to get notifications in ProcessNotification(StateChangedEvent args) method. You can filter only needed events by args.EventType, args.ItemType, args.ItemId, args.Parameter and also you can get not only args.NewValue which is actual value of state but also previous args.OldValue.

In SmartHomeApi.Plugins.MqttAdapter we filter out all events which notify us about ValueSet (that is triggered on SetValue action which we will consider further) and ValueRemoved event types and process ValueAdded and ValueUpdated event types.

Also let's have a look at GetValueString(object value) method. It demonstates quite important possibility of SmartHomeApi. MqttAdapterConfig contains Culture parameter which allow you to integrate SmartHomeApi even with more than one different systems at the same time! So having created two config files, i.e. two separate items of MqttAdapter you can integrate SmartHomeApi working, for example in US culture with "System 1" working in GB culture and with "System 2" working in "CA" culture.

Finally pay attention to line await Manager.SetValue(itemId, parameter, objValue). When SmartHomeApi.Plugins.MqttAdapter gets message it parses that, determine which Item should get that and send value to this Item. In next steps we'll consider how Item can process this value.