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Download zip with application for your OS and extract it.


  1. Put SmartHomeApi.WebApi.exe into directory where you want SmartHomeApi to run, for example C:\SmartHomeApi.
  2. Run SmartHomeApi.WebApi.exe. Message appsettings.json not found so run installer will appear and then SmartHomeApi will lead you through simple initial configuration workflow.
  3. After configuration you can either select Exit CLI and run SmartHomeApi or Generate install/uninstall service scripts. Scripts directory will contain Readme and two .bat files for installing SmartHomeApi as Windows service and for uninstalling.
  4. Run InstallWindowsService.bat in C:\SmartHomeApi\Scripts directory with Administrator privileges. SmartHomeApi will be installed as Windows service and started.

In case if you skipped Generate install/uninstall service scripts and exited SmartHomeApi you always can enter CLI mode running SmartHomeApi with cli parameter and generate scripts later.


This instruction is for Ubuntu, for other systems it can be different.

  1. Open terminal.
  2. Execute sudo nautilus.
  3. Create SmartHomeApi directory in bin/ directory.
  4. Put SmartHomeApi.WebApi into bin/SmartHomeApi directory.
  5. Right click on SmartHomeApi.WebApi, then Properties -> Permissions and check Allow executing file as program.
  6. Open another terminal. Run cd / in order to get root directory, then execute cd bin/SmartHomeApi and then sudo ./SmartHomeApi.WebApi. Message appsettings.json not found so run installer will appear and then SmartHomeApi will lead you through simple initial configuration workflow.
  7. After configuration you can select Generate install/uninstall service scripts. Scripts directory will contain Readme and smarthomeapi.service file for installing SmartHomeApi as daemon.
  8. Copy smarthomeapi.service to /etc/systemd/system directory.
  9. Open terminal and execute "sudo systemctl daemon-reload".
  10. Execute "sudo systemctl start smarthomeapi".
  11. Execute "sudo systemctl enable smarthomeapi" if you want a service to be launched at system startup.

In case if you skipped Generate install/uninstall service scripts and exited SmartHomeApi you always can enter CLI mode running SmartHomeApi with cli parameter and generate scripts later.