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All API requests are done to http://localhost:{port} URL where port is port which was set during installation (you can always check it in Kestrel -> EndPoints -> Http -> Url section in appsettings.json file).


You could test HTTP api with your any favourite tool. If you don't have it then it's recommended to use Postman.

GET actions


Returns states of all items.


Note that this action does not return states which are enumerated in AppSettings -> UncachedItems section in appsettings.json file. You can get state of those items with one of actions below.


Returns state for item with provided id.


Returns value of state for provided item and parameter (i.e. state key).

locale - optional parameter, use it for example if you setup integration with other system working in different locale. If not provided then value will be returned in default system culture format (can be found in AppSettings -> ApiCulture in appsettings.json file).


Returns result of executing command by item with provided id. The action is useful for cases when item produces data like byte array or something else and (or) it's needed to request it synchronously. SmartHomeApi transforms query_parameters to Dictionary<string, object>. It means that this GET action can be used for executing methods only with input parameter Dictionary<string, T>.

Example of methods which can be executed via this GET action:

Task DictionaryInputTest(Dictionary<string, object> data);

Task DictionaryInputTest(Dictionary<string, int> data);

POST actions


Set value of state for provided item and parameter (i.e. state key).

value - optional parameter. If it's not set then value will be considered as null.

type - type of value (this parameter is not needed in case if value parameter is not provided). SmartHomeApi works with typed data.

SmartHomeApi input data types are:

StringString valueTest
IntegerIntegral value in range from 2,147,483,648-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,6472,147,483,6471234
DoubleFloating-point value in range from ±5.0×10324±5.0 × 10^{−324} to ±1.7×10308±1.7 × 10^{308}1234.0
DecimalDecimal floating-point value in range from ±1.0×1028±1.0 × 10^{-28} to ±7.9228×1028±7.9228 × 10^{28}1234.0
BooleanBoolean value, which can be true, false, 0 or 1 (0 and 1 will be converted to normal .NET boolean value)true
DateTimeValue containing Date and Time part01.01.2022 17:50:00
TimeSpanValue containing Time17:50:00

locale - optional parameter, use it for example if you setup integration with other system working in different locale. If not provided then value will be considered as it is in default system culture format (can be found in AppSettings -> ApiCulture in appsettings.json file).


Returns result of executing command by item with provided id. Body should be JSON object, Content-Type: application/json. SmartHomeApi will try to convert JSON to object with the same type like executed method.